Why is Tummy Time Important?
Tummy Time is one of the most important things you can do to help your baby maintain a healthy headshape and promote normal development. It’s never too early to start supervised tummy time, and really, you can never do too much of it! Newborns can do tummy time laying on a parent’s chest, then gradually move to a nice boppy pillow, and then to the floor. Try to incorporate this into your daily routine, just like feedings and diaper changes. We are not fans of “torture tummy time”, so break it into small increments through out the day to help your baby get stronger. It’s really hard work!
Other Tummy Time Tricks:
- Make it an interactive time for you and your baby
- Provide high contrast toys for baby to look at
- Sing songs
- Get down on the floor so baby can look at you
- Put baby on tummy after every diaper change
- Change up environment (ex: different rooms, surfaces, toys to look at)
- Go outside!
Contact us today for a plan designed specifically for your baby's needs- whether that's a flat head, torticollis, developmental delay, or tummy time questions. We've helped thousands of babies and we can help yours too!