Baby’s First Doctor Visit: Questions to Ask About Infant Flat Head

Your baby’s first doctor visit is a great time to ask any questions and voice any concerns you may have about your baby’s health and development, such as how to prevent infant flat head. That being said, your baby’s first doctor visit can be scary for parents and it can often be difficult to remember everything you wish to discuss with the doctor. You can feel more confident and prepared if you know what to expect ahead of time. Here’s what you should know:

  • What to bring. Dress the baby in loose, comfortable clothes that are easy to remove because you’ll need to undress him for weighing and measuring. Pack a diaper bag with a couple of extra diapers, wipes and a change of clothes for your baby, just in case. Make a list of your questions, so that you don’t forget them when you’re talking to the doctor.

  • What to ask. Some questions parents often ask at their baby’s first doctor visit include:

    • Questions regarding labor and delivery. Especially if there was a complication, or you feel something was unresolved, you might have some questions for your baby’s doctor.

    • Questions about height, weight, head circumference and vital signs. Ask whatever you want to know, but be aware that all of these things have a broad range of “normal.”

    • Feeding questions. You might be concerned about how often and how much your baby is eating. If you’re nursing, you might also have questions about nipple care and your own nutrition.

    • Sleeping questions. You’re probably sleep deprived and you probably have questions about how much your baby should be sleeping and napping. There is a wide range of normal sleep patterns and your doctor will be able to help you figure out the right schedule for your little one.

    • Development questions. You’ll want your baby to have the best start possible, so go ahead and ask your doctor what sorts of things you should be doing with your baby. It’s never too early to start tummy time or to read and sing to your infant.

    • Health questions. Your doctor can give you advice on things like how to prevent SIDS and infant flat head syndrome. They can also show you how to care for the umbilical cord, give you information about screenings and discuss what’s next in terms of immunizations and overall development. .

  • What paperwork you need. You will need your insurance card and any hospital and medical paperwork, including your medical history and information about the pregnancy. Also be prepared to fill out some forms while you wait for the doctor. Some offices are now offering online paperwork. This is a good option for new parents, as you can focus on the information and make sure you have included everything accurately. Sometimes, the day of the visit can be stressful, so it’s best to do whatever you can ahead of time.

  • What the wait could be like. Doctor’s offices can be busy places and there may be people in the waiting room who are interested in admiring your adorable baby. As fun as that can be, it’s a good idea to stop people from touching your baby. . Fortunately, many pediatricians’ offices have waiting rooms that are divided into sections for sick and well children, which keep germ sharing to a minimum. On the bright side, the waiting room is a great place to chat with other parents – you never know what good advice you can pick up!

  • What your doctor will ask. Your baby’s doctor will want to know how your little one is settling in and will ask many questions. He’ll want to know how the baby is sleeping, what he’s eating and what his bowel movements are like. The doctor will probably also ask questions about safety, like whether your baby is riding in a car seat and sleeping in a safe environment.

  • What your doctor will look for. Hopefully your doctor will look for signs of infant flat head. Newborn head shapes vary widely and early intervention is the key to making sure your little one doesn’t become a flat head baby.

If your doctor is concerned about your baby’s head shape, they may suggest positional changes, neck exercises or physical therapy. These recommendations should be taken seriously, as the “wait and see” approach is not the best course of action. The experts at Baby Begin can also help. Baby Begin has the resources you need to help prevent and correct plagiocephaly and torticollis.  For more information about treatment of infant flat head, please visit our website, or connect with our online community on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn.

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